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Ramy Ashour – Drumul de la squash la arta

Ramy Ashour, numarul 1 mondial la 22 de ani, raspunde fanilor Comunitatii Iubitorilor de Squash din Romania,

Ramy Ashour - de la squash la arta
In fiecare sport exista cate un om care isi pune amprenta asupra acestuia, un sportiv care ajunge sa fie eticheta si imagine pentru ceea ce face, care ajunge sa fie recunoscut, admirat si idolatrizat pentru munca lui, pentru talentul cu care a fost inzestrat, dar si pentru ceea ce este in viata de zi cu zi. In squash, vorbim despre „Artistul” Ramy Ashour.

La 22 de ani ajunge numarul 1 mondial , fiind cel mai tanar jucator de squash ajuns in aceasta pozitie, iar in prezent la cei 27 de ani inca impresioneaza prin viteza de reactie, stilul unic si carisma pe care o poarta cu el atat pe teren cat si in viata de zi cu zi.

Astazi, Ramy Mohamed Ashour onoreaza cititorii cu cateva dintre lucrurile care il definesc ca om si ca jucator de squash, asa ca hai sa vedem ce ne-a povestit „Artistul”.

SQM: Buna Ramy! Iti multumim pentru interesul aratat comunitatii iubitorilor de squash din Romania, raspunzand catorva intrebari. Pentru inceput, spune-ne cand ti-ai descoperit talentul si care erau gandurile tale atunci?
R.A.: Buna tuturor! Tatal meu este persoana care mi-a facut cunostinta cu squash-ul, in perioada aceea inca incercam diferite sporturi, dar de odata ajuns pe terenul de squash nu am mai vrut sa plec de acolo si mi-am dorit sa vin in fiecare zi.

SQM: Cum este o zi din viata lui Ramy Ashour, in afara terenului de squash? Ce-ti place sa faci in timpul liber?
R.A.: Iubesc filmele, compania  placuta, mancarea, o plimbare buna in timp ce ascult muzica, mersul pe bicicleta, sa stau in liniste si sa privesc marea si in acelasi timp sa ma distrez asa cum am facut-o mereu.

SQM: Un jucator bun de squash din Romania, care a si promovat foarte mult timp acest sport, te intreaba „Care este cea mai mare temere a ta, exceptand accidentarile?”
R.A.: Cea mai mare teama a mea este insusi Ramy Ashour, vreau ca el sa stea mereu ocupat si sa munceasca la fel de mult in fiecare zi.

SQMAi o pregatire mentala anume pentru fiecare meci? Poti sa ne dai detalii despre pregatirea dinaintea jocurilor?
R.A.: Ei bine, asta depinde de fiecare zi in parte. Spre exemplu, daca ma trezesc cu o atitudine buna si cu energie pozitiva incerc sa imi mentin aceasta stare cat mai mult si deopotriva, daca am o zi in care nu sunt la cote maxime, prefer sa ascult muzica sau sa fac ceva care sa ma motiveze inainte de a intra in teren ca sa pot avea mintea limpede si sa fiu pregatit pentru meci.
Ashour - The Artist

SQM: Mereu esti cu zambetul pe buze! Crezi in psihologia sportiva? Ai folosit-o vreodata?
R.A.: Imi place intrebarea asta. Cred ca este vorba despre conceptul de speranta si optimism, in special pentru ca am reusit sa trec peste multe obstacole grele in viata mea, prin pozitivism si tot timpul imi mentin zambetul pe buze pentru ca este modul meu de a face fata momentelor dificile din viata. Sa stau aproape de oameni buni si sinceri este cel mai important pentru mine si asta pentru ca eu consider ca viata nu este buna sau rea, este asa cum ti-o conturezi tu.

SQM: Din postura unui jucator de squash din topul mondial, poti sa ne spui cat de lung a fost acest drum catre succes si performanta?
Ramy: Ei bine, toata lumea felicita o femeie atunci cand da nastere unui copil, dar nimeni nu vede de cata disciplina si sacrificiu este nevoie sa ajunga acolo. Prin urmare, nu pot sa ma plang, pentru ca am fost binecuvantat sa am viata pe care o am, iar in ceea ce priveste abilitatile si reflexele pe care le am atunci cand joc squash sunt doar fapte reale, fiind un sport dur am iubit partea competitiva a acestuia, talentul cu care esti inzestrat nu este suficient daca nu te impingi singur de la spate sa muncesti de fiecare data din ce in ce mai mult.

SQM: Care/cand a fost cel mai neplacut moment din cariera ta si care a fost cel mai frumos moment de pana acum?
R.A.: Cele mai neplacute momente sunt accidentarile, desigur. Cel mai frumos moment a fost atunci cand am castigat British Open, era prima oara dupa 55 de ani cand un egiptean castiga acest trofeu si a mai fost frumos si momentul castigarii celui de-al treilea campionat mondial.

SQM: Un alt jucator din comunitatea romaneasca, si el face parte din lotul national, se intreba cum executi backhand-ul cross-court, scurt, care de obicei se opreste in nick, schimbi priza, tai mingea sau lovesti din incheietura?


R.A.: O sa-i spun asta in privat, dar ma tem ca dupa ce ii voi dezvalui va trebui sa-l ucid :)).

SQM: Ai o multime de fani, in special in randul doamnelor si domnisoarelor, in toata lumea. Este important pentru tine ca la un meci sa existe acest suport moral, aplauze si  fani peste tot?
R.A.: Asa cum am mai spus, ma simt binecuvantat sa am squash-ul in viata mea pentru ca am invatat multe lucruri despre mine si despre viata, fiecare suport din partea oricui si fiecare apreciere asupra jocului meu sunt importante, caci castigand si vazand acesti oameni fericiti este si bucuria mea suprema.

SQM: Multumim inca o data, Ramy! Ai un mesaj pentru cititorii SquashMania si pentru jucatorii de squash din Romania?
R.A.: Viva Romania si nu incetati sa loviti mingea pana cand ne vom intalni… curand!

Dragi cititori, acesta a fost Ramy Ashour intr-un interviu dedicat voua romanilor, jucatorilor si pasionatilor de squash, un om indragit si admirat pentru tot ceea ce face si categoric, un model pe care trebuie sa-l urmam.

Cuvintele sunt de prisos atunci cand vedem o inregistrare video in care Ramy isi etaleaza calitatile pe teren, asa ca va punem la dispozitie un fragment din finala de la el Gouna 2015, finala pe care a castigat-o in fata puternicului adversar, conationalul sau, Mohamed ElShorbagy.

Pana data viitoare, urmariti alte interviuri de TOP 10 PSA si nu uitati sloganul: Fiti cu ochii pe minge!

English version

Title: Ramy Ashour – the road from squash to art

In every sport there is one man who puts his mark on it, an athlete who gets to be the label and image of that sport, which comes to be recognized, admired and idolized for the work they submit for talent that was endowed, but for what is in everyday life. In squash, unequivocally speak of „artist” Ramy Ashour.

At 22 Ramy reach world number 1, being the youngest squash player reached this position, and now at 27 years Ramy still impresses with reaction speed, unique style and charisma which carries with him, both on the field and in everyday life.

Today, Ramy honors readers with an interview about some of the things that defined him as a man and as a squash player, so let’s see what „The artist” told us.

Hello Ramy! Thank you for the interest shown in answering a few questions for, the Romanian Squash Community. First of all, tell us at what age did you discovered your talent and what were your thoughts at that time.
My dad was the first person who introduced me to the game as I was still trying different sports but once I got on the squash court I never wanted to leave it and wanted to come back every day.

How is a normal day from Ramy Ashour’s life, outside the squash court? What do you enjoy most in your free time?
I love movies, good company ,food, walking around listening to music, riding bicycles, sitting in silence watching the sea and at the same time I like to party every now and then.

A good Romanian squash player and also a promoter of squash in Romania, asked you “What is your greatest fear? Excepting the common injuries.
My greatest fear is Ramy Ashour, I just want him to stay busy and keep working hard everyday .

Do you have a mental preparation process for each game, Could you please tell us more about your pregame routines?
Well it depends on the day if Iam feeling up beat I have to stay like that and keep the good vibe but if Iam feeling a little off then I have to find some good music or something to motivate me to go on court as mentally clear as I can.

You always keep a smile on your face no matter what. Do you believe in sports psychology? Have you ever used it?
I like that question.Well it’s the optimisism and hope concept I did beat a lot of hard predicaments in my life with positivity, I  always keep a smile as that’s my own way of resisiting life’s hardships and ups and downs all the way, being close to good hearted and genuine people is important for me. as I believe that life is neither good nor bad, life is how you shape it .

As a top player, could you tell us how long or difficult was the road to success and performance?
Well ” they congratulate the woman when she gives birth to her baby but they don’t see how much discipline and sacrifices she has been through to get there „.So basically I just can’t complain and blessed to have the life I have and what gave me as in the ability and the senses to play squash but Iam Just stating facts, it’s a tough sport and I love the fighting part about, talent itself is worth nothing if u didn’t push yourself and work as hard as the hard worker.

What / when was the most unpleasant experience and also the most beautiful moment in your career as a squash player?
Most unpleasant will be my injuries and most eventful moment would be winning the british open after 55 years for a non egyptian to win it and winning my third world open.

A squash player from our national team was wondering how you execute the cross-court backhand, the short one, which usually stops on the wall-side s nick. Do you change the grip, cut the ball or use your wrist?
I will tell him in secret but I am afraid I will I have to kill him right after :))

 You have a lot of fans, especially girls, all around the world. It is important for you at a game to have moral support, applauses and fans?
As I said  I am blessed to have squash in my life as it taught me a lot of things about myself and life, I appreciate every one who supports and appreciates my game because winning and seeing these people happy is my ultimate joy.

Thank you, again. If you have a message for the members of SquashMania community (and also for the readers of this site and for the Romanian squash players.), what would that be?

Viva Romania keep hitting squash balls … Until we meet soon.

Dear readers of, this was Ramy Ashour in an interview dedicated to you romanians, squash players and fans, a man loved and admired for everything he does and certainly a model that we should follow in life.

Until next time, do not forget the slogan: Keep your eyes on the ball!

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Squash-ul feminin este un segment in continua dezvoltare si ascensiune, un domeniu in care se imbina elemente de finete, versatilitate dar si de forta si atitudine. Vreau sa-l sprijin!

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